cours de surf à biarritz grande plage

Summer events in Bayonne


(more events in July) (more events in August) (the Fetes)


From 1 January to 31 December - information, Tourist office
All year roud and and every day during the summer, guided tours by guides approved by the Ministry of Culture and Communication. Visits of the historical town, the ramparts, Bayonne and the chocolate....


Un chemin de St Jacques : Le littoral Basque from 25/06 to 15/09/2018 - Médiathèque. Basque Museum.
For this commemoration of the 20th anniversary of "Chemins de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle in France", the multimedia library evokes the stages from Bayonne to Irun.

1966, Gaur. L'art basque sous le franquisme : avant garde et résistance du 30/06 au 04/11/2018 - Basque Museum.
Basque Art under Franco's rule.

Tour de France cycliste en Pays Basque from 30/06 to 30/09/2018 - Musée Basque, salle Xokoa.
Cycling "Tour de France" in the Basque Country (1906-2018).

Les Océanides from13/07 to 29/08/2018 - L'Artsenal, rue Ste Catherine.
Collective Exhibition of Art and Crafts on the theme of water, sea and ocean.

Exhibition "Artisans of Art"
from 1/08 to 24/08/2018  - Cloister of the Cathedral
Around thirty artisans of art selected by the GAAPA (Group of artisans of art of the Pyrénées Atlantiques) will make you discover their talent and their creativity in this magnificent place.

CORRIDA (Bullfighting)

Program "Bayonne festivals 2018"



Festival Flamenco
29-30/06 and 01/07/2018 - St Esprit area.
Great moments of conviviality during these 3 days with an andalusian parade in the streets, spanish entertainment, place Marquisat, dance courses at the cultural center. A giant paella is planned on Sunday.

Farid au naturel
4-5-6-7/07/2018 - La Luna Negra - 7 rue des Augustins.
Farid presents his new One Man Show ...
With this new album, the comedian from Bayonne goes far, even, sometimes very far ...

Pile Poil
10-11-12-13/07/2018 - La Luna Negra - 7 rue des Augustins.
A OneWomanTruc on the joys and pains of celibacy in modern times.

Jean-Jacques 2
18-19-20-21/07/2018 - La Luna Negra - 7 rue des Augustins.
The life of Jean-Jacques, it is as if the dove of peace was eating a glass wall in full flight!

Musical Saturdays at the Cathedral
7/07/2018 - 19h30-21h  - Verdi's Requiem, soloists and South West Symphony Orchestra.
21/07/2018 - 19h30-21h - Kantauri mixed choir and piano.

Choir of men "Pottoroak"
17/07/2018 - 19h - Douves rempart Lachepaillet.
Public concert, Basque songs and world songs.

Choir of men "Haiz Egoa"

18/07/2018 - 21h - Porte d'Espagne.

Concert with the "Harmonie Bayonnaise"

5-12-19/07/2018 - 21h - Kiosque, place de Gaulle.
14/07/2018 - 21h30 - Place de la liberté.

Concert Nadau
24/07/2018 - Arènes Marcel Dangou
A 2-hour bilingual show: humor, impertinence, tenderness, poetry.


Medieval Market
12 to 14/07/2018 - Place Montaut
Music, costumes, minstrels, magicians, dancing, soldiers, fighting, carousing will transport you into the past

Food Market and Flea Market


14/07/2017 - fireworks 22h45 place du Réduit and dancing in the town

FETES DE BAYONNE 2018 - From July 25th to July 29th

Braderie des Fêtes - Super sale by all the shops
23 and 24 /07/2018 - from 9am to 7pm.

Fêtes de Bayonne : concerts, bandas, bullfights, racing cows, children's day, funfair, corso, fireworks, foot race, pelota, petanque, golf tournament ...
Visit the Fetes de Bayonne website for the latest information and advice about public transport, parking etc...



Final of the Basque Country Championship (see an explanation of the different Pelota games)
10/07/2018 - Fronton stade Jean Dauger, avenue Dr Léon Moynac.
10h30, Finale rebot cadet.
17h, Finale chistera joko garbi junior.
18h, Finale chistera joko garbi senior 2ème série.

 Pelote Basque
26/07/2018 - Fronton stade Jean Dauger, avenue Dr Léon Moynac.
18h Handi Pelote.
19h Pelote Chistera joko garbi.

Pelote Basque - Grand Chistera
27/07/2018  - Fronton stade Jean Dauger, avenue Dr Léon Moynac.
Final of the "Challenge de France".

Pelote Basque - Main Nue
28/07/2018  - Fronton stade Jean Dauger, avenue Dr Léon Moynac.

Pelote Basque

29/07/2017  - Fronton stade Jean Dauger, avenue Dr Léon Moynac.
17h and 18h, 1/2 finals France championship seniors nationale B.

"Open 64" Tennis Tournament

31/07/ au 15/08/2018 - Bayonne tennis Club.



Musical Saturdays at the Cathedral
5/08/2018 - 19h30- 21h - Trumpets and organs.

French Championship : Recorte, Ecart, Saut
5/08/2018 - Arènes Marcel Dangou
11h, Qualifications.
17h30, championship.
Bullfighting show without killing.

Choir of men "Pottoroak"
7-28/08/2018 - 19h - Douves rempart Lachepaillet.
Public concert, Basque songs and world songs.

Choir of men "Haiz Egoa"

8-22-29/08/2018- 21h - Porte d'Espagne.

Great week of the Basque pelota (see an explanation of the different Pelota games)
17/08/2018  - Fronton stade Jean Dauger, avenue Dr Léon Moynac.
17h30 Final grand chistera féminin.
18h30 Final chistera joko garbi poussin.
19h30 Final chistera joko garbi benjamin.
20h30 Final chistera joko garbi junior.

18-19/08/2018 - Remparts, rue Tour de Sault.
Open air artistic exhibition, paintings, photographs and sculptures, food and drinks.

Concert with the "Harmonie Bayonnaise"
2-16-23-30/08/2018 - 21h - Kiosque, place de Gaulle.

Meeting Ferrari
24-25-26/08/2018 - 15h/17h - Place des Basques.
Exhibition of Ferrari and ride in Ferrari. Organised by the Lions Club to help underprivileged children.

For more information, please contact the Bayonne Tourist office

Summer Events Pays Basque and Landes Visit Bayonne