locations de vacances à Vieux-Boucau
restaurant Landes

Restaurants in the Landes

The cuisine of the Landes, rich and generous, a combination of quality ingredients and expertise

Duck symbolizes gastronomy in the Landes: foie gras, which can be served cooked, partially cooked or fresh, breast of duck, (the 'magret') fresh, dried or smoked, canned duck and the potted preparations, 'graisserons' and 'rillettes', served as appetizers are all a treat for your taste buds. There are markets dedicated to ducks where you foie gras/© CDT64 can buy whole birds to make all these products at home for canning and preserving in jars.

Other products such as chicken, especially that of St. Sever, and Chalosse beef, which has exceptional meat, contribute to the reputation of gastronomy in the Landes.

The Tursan wine, Floc de Gascogne and Landais Armagnac accompany meals that end with 'pastis', an aniseed-flavored cake', or apple pastry with prunes, served hot and 'flambé à l'Armagnac'.

The Landes being a tourist area, you will find restaurants everywhere, in town, nestled under the pine  trees or on the beach and there is something for everyone from traditional cooking, modern 'cuisine', brasseries, fish, seafood, pizza, Chinese to snack bars and hamburgers...

The Restaurant du Trinquet d'Arcangues
Azur Capbreton Dax Hossegor Labenne Léon Messanges Moliets Ondres Seignosse Soustons Tarnos Vieux Boucau
Restaurants in the Landes and the Basque Country