Le restaurant du Trinquet d'Arcangues
La pinède des singes à Labenne

Reserve Naturelle du Marais d'Orx, Labenne

Landes - South West France


Le Marais d'Orx, in the Landes, is the last protected major coastal wetlands in the Aquitaine coast, located in the towns of Labenne Orx, Saint-André de Seignanx and Saubrigues.

Reserve Naturelle du Marais d'Orx, Labenne

This vast property of the Conservatoire du Littoral, nearly 1000 ha (1989), is classified as a National Nature Reserve.

It represents a great ornithological interest because it is a necessary stop for migratory birds and Other species such as amphibians, reptiles, insects, mammals inhabit the marshes live in the Marais d'Orx.

Opening hours 2015
- July/August:
9am to 7pm.
- May/June/September:
9am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 6pm.
- October to April:
9am to 12pm and 2pm to 5pm.

Maison du Marais

Animal Parks in Labenne Places of Interest in Pays Basque & Landes Visit Labenne